Modeling Complex Interactions in Long Documents for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis

Zehong Yan1, Wynne Hsu1, Mong Li Lee1, David Roy Bartram-Shaw2
1NUS Centre for Trusted Internet & Community, National University of Singapore
2Edelman Data & Intelligence

WASSA Workshop, ACL, 2024 / PDF / Project Page / Code / Data

We introduce DART, a hierarchical transformer-based framework for aspect-based sentiment analysis in long documents. DART handles the complexities of longer text through its global context interaction and two-level aspect-specific aggregation blocks. For empirical validation, we curate two datasets for aspect-based sentiment analysis in long documents: SocialNews and TrustData.

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SNIFFER: Multimodal Large Language Model for Explainable Out-of-Context Misinformation Detection

Peng Qi, Zehong Yan, Wynne Hsu, Mong Li Lee
National University of Singapore

CVPR, 2024 / PDF / Project Page / Code / Video

Focusing on the innovative research perspective of explainable out-of-context misinformation detection, this paper proposes a new multimodal large language model, SNIFFER, designed to offer both accurate detection and persuasive explanations simultaneously. Enhanced by two-stage instruction tuning and retrieval-enhancement techniques, SNIFFER effectively models both internal image-text inconsistency and external claim-evidence relationships.

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